The other day, I chatted with Louise and Garen, radio hosts of The Frugal Yankee. (Love their site, BTW, We were talking diapers, specifically how to save money on them. They wanted to know about the age-old question: How much can you save by going with cloth diapers vs. disposables? The answer: Hundreds if not at least $1,000 by the time your baby is out of diapers by using cloth instead of disposables–if you’re willing to do lots of laundry detail (and not use a diaper service). Forget pins and plastic pants. If I were doing it all over again, I’d definitely try out pocket and/or all-in-one reusable diapers such as Fuzzibunz ( or Bummis ( They take cloth diapers to a new, more convenient and doable level for a fraction of the long-term costs of disposables (which amounts to roughly $2,500 by the time your baby is diaper-free). But cloth/reusable diapers aren’t for everybody. Maybe you hate to do laundry, for example, or your baby is in daycare, in which case, you’ll need to use disposables some of the time, or your baby is prone to diaper rash. As you probably know from previous posts, disposables have done wonders for eliminating irritant diaper rashes.

Stores and Websites often put diapers on sale as “loss leaders” to induce parents to shop there, so take advantage of good deals.
In any event, here are three more ways to save on both types of diapers:
–Shop Wal-Mart and Target. You’ll find rock-bottom prices on disposable and reusable diapers at and Don’t be afraid to try the store brand and save at least 3 cents per diaper with every change. (It adds up!)
–Visit,,, and for good deals on name-brand and store-brand diapers (and save yourself a trip to the store) and stock up at sale time.
–Save on regular deliveries. Amazon’s Subscribe and Save program, which pops up at the checkout, offers the best deal if you sign up for regular deliveries; you can save 15 percent and get free shipping too.
What do you do to save money on diapers? Give us the poop!
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